Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chapter 2: Earth our Home

Hi guys,

Here's a little song about the different planets of the Solar system which might help you remember them more easily.

There were two major questions I posed in class:
  1. What causes day and night?
  2. Why are there seasons?
Remember that ROTATION of the Earth is the cause of day and night, whereas the REVOLUTION and the tilt of the axis of the Earth, causes the seasons in some countries.

Here's the video I showed in class about why there are seasons, do look through it for re-cap or revision purposes.

I also went onto emphasize on the big idea of this chapter is really to point out the fragility of Earth and our impact through our human activities on it. There is no need for you to know the nitty gritty details of the size or distance of the planets from the sun but more importantly, the solar system was introduced to you in this chapter to point you to a fact that only planet Earth has the capability to support the many awesome and amazing life forms as seen in this movie trailer, Earth

This is mainly due to certain characteristics that Earth has, which are:
  1. Gravity
  2. Atmosphere (having high percentage of oxygen and abundance of water)
  3. Suitable Temperature (between zero degrees and one hundred degrees, links back to the earlier part about the solar system and how difference in temperatures are experienced differently in different parts of the world)
At the end of lesson today, I told you the importance of why Geography is taught to you in Secondary school, I challenged you of the small little things that you can do to help minimize the negative impact we humans are having on Earth. Be it switching off the light and fans when you leave the classroom or using less of material things we might have. I also asked you to consider what YOU would do as your generation is the one already receiving some of the effects of the older generations' actions, what will YOU do for YOUR future generation?

Look at this video and think if you are the LOST generation or are you NOT the lost generation.

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