How to describe the process of exfoliation in a shorter way?
There is no shorter way, look at Page 92 to know how to explain. The key concept is the repeated expansion and contraction and about these two forces being against each other resulting in uneven expansion or contraction which weaken the rock’s SURFACE LAYER. And as said in class, with water present, the surface layer will tend to crack more easily and break off in layers.
Did you not listen in class for the worksheet I went through? And you cannot find the answer yourself?
Look at Page 146 of your textbook.
In general, polar climate experiences VERY low rainfall throughout the year and very low temperatures (below FREEZING POINT) for majority of the year.
Why are the most of the active volcanoes located at the pacific ring of fire?
Most active volcanoes are located at the pacific ring of fire as this is where the impact of movements is the greatest in the boundaries of the plates that are found around the pacific ring of fire as compared to other places.
Who might use satellite images?
Look at page 67 of textbook. Usually people who study changes in the environment, for instance, specifically the meteorologists who can use satellite images to forecast weather or warn people about dangers such as hurricanes. Environmental scientists who warn people about the impact of global warming through the study of the satellite images of ice cap melt in the north pole.
What is the meaning of fieldwork?
Look at page 8 of your textbook.
Fieldwork is work at first hand, which means gathering evidence directly from the environment rather than from books or other references/resources. For instance for your eco tourism project, you did fieldwork to gather information about the tropical rainforest by observing the tropical rainforests instead of reading off the information easily from the Internet.
What is the definition of transpiration?
Transpiration is the process where plants give out water vapour into the air through their leaves.
How to write numerical data?
What kind of numerical data you are talking about?
Look below for hints.
How to read tables:
1) Study the columns in the table carefully-the headings, the items, the units of measurements.
2) Look for extreme values in figures, example: the highest and lowest, largest and smallest, densest and least dense.
3) Look for any links or patterns/trends between the values and between the items and the values in the columns. Make general statements of what is observed.
4) Some questions would require you to read values directly form the table, others may require you to do simple calculations based on the values given in the table and others might require you to infer (decipher/interpret) from the given values.
Steps in reading line graph
1) Study the graph carefully and take note of the headings, the x-axis, the y axis and the units of measurements.
2) Note the values, example the highest and lowest values.
3) Observe the gradient of the line which indicates the rate of increase or decrease.
4) Note the relationship between the x-axix or y-axis.
5) Some questions might require you to read directly from the graph while others may require you to calculate or even infer from the given values.
Reading a bar graph
1) Study the information on the x-axis and the y-axis carefully.
2) Look at the distribution of the data , for example, the point with the highest or lowest value.
3) Take note of any changes that may have taken place in the data, example, the increase or decrease in that value.
4) Loof for any links you may find between the x-axis and the y-axis.
Reading Pie charts
1) Look at the pie chart or the legend on the pie chart to find the value of each item.
2) Locate the largest amount, followed by the next until the last amount which is the smallest.
3) Read the questions carefully and answer them, using the numbers (numerical data) correctly.
4) Some questions might require references to be made from the values givem.
Reading combination of data representations (e.g climograph-bar and line graph)
1) Study the information in each represntaiton closely using the skills you have acquired.
2) Look for relationships shown in each representation (e.g for climograph, mean annual rainfall or temperature, temperature range (highest temperature of the month and lowest temperature of the month)
3) Look for links between the representations ( High annual rainfall and temperature)
4) Analyze the links between the representations using prior knowledge you have about the links. (means most probably climograph is representing a tropical climate.)
Which is the hardest rock and why?
The hardest rock among the three types of rocks is the igneous rock. Igneous rock when they formed are formed where the crystals of the minerals grow closely together with no lines of weaknesses or air pockets that allow weathering agents to attack.
Whereas sedimentary rocks are usually layered (lines of weaknesses), moreover some sedimentary rocks are compacted together with different sediments of different sizes, there might be air pockets in between the rocks when they are in the process of cementing each other.
For metamorphic rock, some rocks are made up of sedimentary rocks (which already have lines of weaknesses), if they are made up of igneous rock, even though there is highly no lines of weaknesses as compared to sedimentary rock, but as the igneous rock undergo intense heat and pressure, it becomes weaker [think in terms of heat can melt the rock and pressure can cause the rock to form folds leading to cracks etc]. That is why among all three, igneous is usually the hardest.
Pushing causes fomation of mountians, then what does pushing ands sliding form?
You mean, what does pulling and sliding form?
Pushing can form mountains and volcanoes
Pulling can form new ocean floor, ocean ridges (e.g Mid Atlandtic Ridge)
Sliding tend to form faults (e.g San Andreas fault )
All of these, pull, push and slide can cause your earthquakes and all tend to happen at plate boundaries.
What is the difference between aerial and satellite photos?
Aerial photographs are taken above ground from an airplane or a tall building whereas satellite images are usually taken by instruments on board a satellite.
Aerial photographs show a bigger area than a landscape photograph, usually at a local or national scale, on the other hand, satellite images show a large area on the Earth's surface, usually at a regional or global scale.
Aerial photographs are usually used to help to estimate the size of a feature or an area, such as the area of a school whereas satellite photographs are usually helpful in studying the changes in the environment.
Answers all found in Pg 66-67 of textbook.
How is human environment formed?
A human environment is formed when a physical environment is changed as a result of human activities. For example, humans make changes to the living environment to suit one’s needs, using materials (natural resources, pg 21 in textbook) which humans can find in the physical environment for their own use (specific example: clearing forests and using the wood to build houses.)
The physical appearance of igneous rock is that it has a crystalline appearance, where some are coarse-grained or fine-grained whereas, for sedimentary rock, it is usually layered in appearance.
Time zone is the zone/area in which a place/location experience a specific standard time. Each time zone represents 15 ° longitude or the distance the Earth rotates in one hour.
No. Greenwich Mean Time is the base time zone at 0° longitude (Pg 40 of textbook), whereas International Data Line is the 180° longitude that lies directly opposite the Greenwich Meridian 0° longitude. And GMT is not equal to Greenwich Meridian. GMT is the time zone found at the Greenwich Meridian (0° longitude)
How does the human environment affect the physical environment positively?It is not the human environment per say that affect the physical environment, but more of humans changing the environment for their own use, be it having positive or negative effects.
Humans can affect physical environment positively for instance be re-forestation (replanting the forest) or re-growing the place that was once destroyed either naturally(through natural disasters) or through human activities.
Is there any distinct weaknesses of using between Satellite and landscape photos?
The main weakness of satellite photos are that they do not show physical or human features in great detail as compared to landscape photographs.
The main weakness for landscape photos is that a landscape photograph which are taken at ground level and covers only a SMA LL area whereas satellite photos takes photographs of a LARGE area on the Earth’s surface.
How to draw the cross profile of a mountain or hill?
See page 54 and 55 of text book, the height of the contour will coincide with the Y-axis of the graph below. And label the distinct features such as rounded summit, steep slope and a height of more than 600m for a mountain and the features seen for a hill if you draw a hill.
What is landscape photo limitaion?
See answer above
You can add on that as it covers a small area, it cannot help study changes in the environment on a global or regional scale.
Another limitation would be as compared to satellite images, landscape photographs are usually not taken in “real time” where images can be viewed within seconds after they have been taken.
Is plain a landform?
Yes, plain is a type of physical landform.
How are stalagmites and salactites formed?
You need not know the detailed process but you need to know that it is due to weathering and formed from action ofwater where acidic rainwater can dissolve limestone to form them and are usually found inside limestone caves. Action of water also formed landforms such as caves. For instance in Jenolan Caves in Australia, or what I have gone through in class, Har Long Bay in Vietnam or Guilin in China. All of which are limestone caves.
You need to know that stalagmite is the landform structure that is from the ground, whereas stalactites are landform structures from the ceiling.