Friday, July 31, 2009

The World is getting crowded: A pictorial story

Hi guys, below are pictures that depict of the problem of overpopulation around the world and how you can see if overpopulation is left alone on its own, how much stress it will put on the world resources, land supply, water supply, etc...this is really happening around the world and do think about its impacts and how can we actually slow down or help prevent a crisis from happening due to overpopulation...

Imagine every inch of the transport mode/system is filled with people, imagine Singaporeans hugging onto the SMRT train!

Jammed Transport networks: Getting stuck in Singapore's peak hours is quite bad..imagine having to queue even longer...look at the picture below and u will get what I mean...
Overcrowded Housing: Amount of land able to contain all the housing needs of such a burgeoning population is going to be a feat..

Fighting for jobs: Below are the number of people appearing at a job career fair...wages one have to take in the future is going to spiral downwards if population of the world is just going keep spiralling upwards.

Crowded Amenities: Imagine swimming in a public pool with so many people, on a side note, imagine if one person secretly pees =P...and everyone does the same thinking that others will not do it...ewwwww....

It's scary seeing the pictures of so many people and imagine its like that in Singapore, with every step you take, you bump to another Singaporean....scary....

Credits of photos:

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