Friday, September 4, 2009

Chaper 7: Land Reclamation ( 3 methods)

In class, I have gone through with you that land reclamation is the creation of dry land from an area covered by water. Land reclamation can also refer to the process of recovering land that is damaged and abandoned and making it usable again.

There are three major methods that for land reclamation:
1)Landfill: create land by draining waterlogged areas such as swamps and marshes and filling them with material like sand to form dry land.
2) Empoldering: method of creating land from the sea through the use of polders.
3) Reclaiming derelict land:
-->Poor farming practices:
1) Through usage of fertilizers.
2) Letting the land lie fallow.

-->Mining activities:
1)Spoil banks have to be levelled
2)Mining pools filled.
3)Chemicals can be introduced to treat acidic soil
4)Vegetation planted to prevent soil erosion.

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